
Meet the Siilis: Tommi Viitala, Senior Producer and photography whiz

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Meet the Siilis: Tommi Viitala, Senior Producer and photography whiz

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In the world of marketing, many unsung heroes work tirelessly behind the scenes, orchestrating campaigns, events, and creative projects that help a company shine. Some people may not always be in the spotlight – after all, they’re the ones operating it. At Siili Solutions, one of these key figures is Tommi Viitala, a Senior Producer with a creative flair and keen interest in AI.

Known for his hands-on approach to everything from photography to event coordination, Tommi describes his role as a form of “chaos management.”

Being a senior (or senile, as he humorously puts it) producer can mean a number of different things, but hardly covers what Tommi does at Siili. In an interview, we asked Tommi to clarify his role, and then picked his brain about the integration of AI in Siili’s marketing activities. 

Chaos management 

Tommi joined Siili five years ago, initially working as a marketing specialist handling social media channels, campaigns, and project coordination. Reflecting on his early days, he recalls,  

"When I started, the marketing team was small—just five people. There was a lot of social media management and project leading, but over the years, I’ve naturally evolved into a producer role, focusing more on photography, filming, and event coordination." 

That transition, according to Tommi, wasn’t forced but rather came naturally: 

"I’ve always been a visual person," he shares. "I enjoy hands-on work, like photographing and organizing events. It was a smooth shift when a new marketing coordinator took over the social media tasks. From there, I was able to focus more on producing content, and it’s something I really enjoy, even in my personal life." 

When asked to define his current role at Siili, Tommi playfully refers to it as "chaos management." While his official title is Senior Producer, he wears many hats, functioning as both a project manager and a creative lead. "I would say I’m a bit more hands-on than a typical project manager," he explains. "I like organizing things and being directly involved—whether it's taking photos myself or coordinating with external teams for larger productions. It’s about making sure everything runs smoothly, whether we’re preparing for a big event or launching a marketing campaign." 

SDN Post conference 2

Tommi’s current role indeed extends to event management, where his knack for organizing shines in our multiple marketing efforts like events and industry fairs:  

“It’s all about making sure our team looks good and feels prepared,” he says. “If there’s a big event, like a banking conference, I handle everything from the booth setup to making sure we have all the necessary promotional materials. I make sure our sales team can focus on what they do best while I handle the practical details.” 


AI experiments in Siili’s marketing and video production 

One of the most fascinating aspects of Tommi’s role at Siili is his involvement with AI experiments. While AI is typically associated with data and coding, Tommi has found ways to integrate it into the creative and visual side of marketing. "I’ve been experimenting with AI tools, especially in areas like video and photography," Tommi shares.

"We’ve recently been using AI to generate images and avatars, which adds a whole new dimension to our visual storytelling. For example, we recently took around 20 images of one of our colleagues, Valtteri, from different angles. Then we used AI to generate new visuals based on those photos. The results were incredible—we could manipulate the style and angles with just a few prompts. It’s changing the way we approach visual imagery at Siili." 



For Tommi, AI is more than just a tool; it’s an opportunity to innovate. "It’s about taking our visual storytelling to the next level.

We’re not just experimenting with AI in development—we’re applying it to design, video, and photography as well," he explains. "It’s a totally new way of working, and it’s something that excites me." 

Below are examples of GenAI images of one of our colleagues, Valtteri: 




Should artists be worried about their jobs? 

With AI becoming more prevalent in creative fields, there’s growing concern that it could replace human roles. Tommi, however, sees AI as a complement to human creativity rather than a threat.

"I’ve been involved in photography since the ‘90s, and I’ve seen how AI is impacting the industry. Some people think it’s killing creativity, but I don’t see it that way. AI is just another tool," he says. "It’s not replacing photography—it’s creating a new genre of visual art. I don't see that they are photographs because people are not taking them. They are like their own art." 

Tommi believes that creativity will always require a human touch. "AI can help generate ideas, but it’s still up to us to guide those ideas and make them meaningful," he explains. "I always tell people, especially in photography, to stay curious. Creativity is a lifelong journey, and AI is just one part of that. It’s a tool we can use, but it’s not the whole picture." 

Visual storytelling 

Tommi’s passion for visual storytelling extends beyond his professional life. He is an avid street photographer with an impressive (and growing!) Instagram following of over 40,000 people (see his Instagram here).  

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"I’ve been doing street photography for years, and it’s something that keeps me grounded," he shares. "In street photography, I don’t heavily edit images. I might do some light post-processing, but for me, removing objects is off-limits. It’s all about capturing the moment as it is. So while I embrace AI in my professional work, I keep things more analog in my personal photography."

Tommi’s journey into photography started in the ‘90s with film cameras, but he took a break for several years before diving back into it. "I did a lot of coding back then—I was even a lead developer at Fujitsu for a time," Tommi recalls. "But I realized that coding wasn’t where my passion lay. I’ve always been more of a visual person, so I transitioned into marketing and eventually found my way back to photography." 

Looking forward 

As Siili Solutions continues to explore new ways to integrate AI into its processes, Tommi remains optimistic about the future of creativity in marketing. "We’re living in a time where the tools are evolving so quickly. Just six months ago, we were testing basic AI tools for video, and now we’re seeing fully animated avatars. It’s incredible how fast things are moving," he says. 

Tommi is especially excited about the potential for AI to enhance brand storytelling. "We’ve already started using AI to create brand images and avatars for internal use. It’s a fun and innovative way to engage with our audience, and I think we’re only scratching the surface of what’s possible." 

As Tommi Viitala continues to blend creativity with technology, he is a living proof that the future of marketing is as much about human insight as it is about digital tools. "AI is here to stay, but it’s not the be-all and end-all," he concludes. "The real magic happens when you combine AI with human creativity. That’s where the future lies." 




Follow Tommi Viitala on LinkedIn.
Tommi's personal website with extended bio and photos: www.tommiviitala.com  
Profile photo: Samuli Vienola



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