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Siili Cloud Services

Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration

Siili Migrates Your Systems

Do you know what IT systems you have and how they can be operated in the cloud?


Migration Service discovers, moves, and modernizes your services, so that they are secure, cost-effective, and agile to use now and in the future.


Migration service consists of 3 phases:

1. Discover and Plan

2. Cloud Migration

3. Continuous Improvement


As an outcome of Siili’s Migration Service, we will deliver a modern, secure and cost-effective environment which adjusts to your needs and helps you focus on your business.



Cloud Migration

Phase 1:
Discover and Plan

On the discovering and planning phase, Siili gathers required knowledge and results in a plan that describes the migration.



Discover the technical, business, “skills”-related, and process details of the current environment.

Assess the inventory, workload, and process details and identify what can be migrated and how the migration can be done. Also, identify the parts of the environment that will not be migrated.



Siili will create a detailed plan on the migration process, including the order of the migration waves and the tools to be used.

Cloud Migration

Phase 2: 
Cloud Migration

The discovery and assessment phase will result in a migration plan. Depending on the system to be migrated, the way forward is:


The system is taken as-is and run in a different hosting solution, such as AWS EC2 or Azure VM.


Repackage the system and run it e.g. on a Docker container in AWS Fargate or Azure Container Service.


The system is refactored entirely, e.g. into microservices and run on an appropriate platform such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions.

The system then reaches the continuous improvement stage, during which the cloud native tools can be used to increase speed-to-market and reliability.

Cloud Migration

Phase 3:
Continuous Improvement

Siili has knowledge and skills to cover everything, from platform management to end-user experience, and all the way to business modernization. We use agile methodologies to help our customers to focus on their business.

Business Agility

Scale and develop infrastructure and applications as needed to support business priorities.

Platform Optimization

Continuously verify that the cloud platform provides the best capability for your business.

Solution Optimization

Manage cloud-based systems and processes as a whole.

Application Engineering

Build modern software and optimize old software to continue reaping cloud benefits.


Gain long-term value and benefits of running applications and infrastructure in the cloud.

Continuous Services

Your business stays online, always.


Make It Real with the help of our experts

Cloud Migration

Make It Real

Contact us, and we will help you find what’s essential. Then we will build it with you.