Head of Traffic & Logistics
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Case Study
Maritime Single Window (MSW)
NEMO will be a national ‘single window’ for maritime traffic in Finland. The service will meet the EU regulation (219/1239) which is intended to harmonize port operations across the member states. Watch our case video to get the full picture.
Contact us to hear more about our pioneering work in:
- — Maritime Single Window (MSW/EMSW)
- — Operative Fleet Optimization
- — Efficiency in Port Operations
Siili is designing and building the Finland's National Maritime Single Window (MSW, EMSW, EMSWE, NMSW) with an emphasis on creating a neutral data platform that will optimize digitalization in the field of maritime traffic, rethink ways of working, and enable building services for added value.
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency promotes the transport system and traffic safety in Finland while boosting digitalization. Traficom is responsible for the implementation of this EU regulation, but has outsourced system design, building and support to Fintraffic VTS so that NEMO can be evolved into a broader service that goes beyond the regulatory requirements.
NEMO utilizes digitalization, automation, and standardization to make the everyday life of stakeholders more effective and proficient. Information will be reused and shared more transparently between different stakeholders, which will result in significant benefits throughout the logistics chain.
NEMO is central in efforts to meet the regulatory obligation of EU member states to standardize the process of submitting port visit notifications. Finland will be the lead innovator in field of data-driven maritime logistics when the system is launched. Ultimately the solutions will power the ecosystem of trade and logistics within the EU and increase the productivity in Finland.
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We asked Siili to help us build a vision concept to shape NEMO over the next 10 years. It’s an exciting opportunity to rethink the way we work nowadays in Finland and redefine our operations in line with this new EU regulation.
Olli Soininen
Program Manager
“I have not seen anybody in the field of maritime logistics who has so far been able to put together such a holistic view of the overview of port arrivals and departures.”
Ulla Tapaninen
Tenured Associate Professor of Maritime Transport, Tallinn University of Technology
The concept creation for NEMO started in January 2022 with a discovery phase, gathering insights from over 40 interviews, 5 observations, and desktop studies. After that, we built a holistic view of the present state in workshops with over 50 key stakeholders, illustrating a story but also utilizing systems thinking to map the data flow and describe the whole process from the viewpoint of different stakeholders.
The groundwork for the NEMO vision concept was laid in vision workshops with the key stakeholders. We identified challenges, prioritized them, and created ideas to solve these challenges together. The Siili team continued to shape the entire vision concept together with the team, the client, the authorities, and the whole ecosystem of maritime logistics.
"Here in this iconic Aalto University lecture hall, there's so much room for thought. My ideas are going to be so visionary that I will be long retired before these get to implementation!"
Antti Arkima
Senior Specialist, Traficom (Finnish Transport and Communications Agency)
We are working simultaneously in two directions. Top to bottom, from the vision to the details and also bottom to top, by building rapid prototypes to test the conceptual ideas. We are using event-based architecture for building a digital twin for maritime traffic and ensuring the transmission of harmonized data while elevating situational awareness to a whole new level.
The project started in January 2022 and Siili’s initial work was to create a vision concept for the entire operating environment over the next 10 years. By June 2022, the vision concept will be ready, and we will move to implementation phase - building the epic backlog from the vision concept and starting the agile development work.
Optimize your maritime operations.
Over 80% of Finland's foreign trade travels by sea. On average that means 100 vessels arrive in Finnish ports per day, with approximately 10-20 port notifications made to the authorities and other maritime operators for each port call!
More than 20 stakeholders monitor and guide the operation of an individual vessel. Typically, data is collected from ships on the same report. The current process is complex, costly, and sometimes subject to errors.
The EU regulation (219/1239) addresses the shortcomings and aims to create a European Maritime Single Window (EMSW) through which port information is harmonized across the EU. NEMO is the name of the Finnish National Single Window (NSW) and centers on the reusability of information and the opportunity to share information more transparently between key stakeholders and other Member States.
NEMO will act as a national shipping and logistics data platform, which enhances and streamlines the daily lives of maritime operators through digitalization, standardization, and automation. Various commercial value-added services can also be built on the platform on the neutral public side to expand possibilities yet further. Our long-term vision is to increase the national productivity of Finland.
The NEMO use cases will include monitoring the port operation, planning port state control, collecting fairway dues, safety, and security surveillance, overseeing the transport of hazardous substances, monitoring border crossings of people, maritime search and rescue, and monitoring infectious diseases. Thanks to the new system, notification data on port visits by merchant ships will be seamlessly available for relevant stakeholders through a single window.
See how we can harmonize your port operations.
When these new processes and optimized data sharing is introduced in the Autumn of 2025, this will quite simply herald a new chapter in Finnish shipping. The digitalization of transport and logistics in the maritime sector is in its infancy, but this represents enormous opportunities in the future.
No small undertaking, and naturally this challenge calls upon Siili’s many years of experience and combined skills. Yet we embrace this journey wholeheartedly and develop new skills and ways of working along the way. As a people-oriented organization, utilizing cutting edge technology, we are well equipped to meet the challenge head on.
We are really rather proud of this one. Let’s MAKE IT REAL.
See how large-scale digitalization can revolutionize operations.
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→Karoliina Tiuraniemi
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